How would you like to be quoted in national newspapers or trade magazines and even appear on radio and TV? Journalists are searching for business people like you to quote in their articles, and you don’t need to be a big, city corporation to take advantage of this opportunity.

We monitor dozens of requests from journalists every day from popular websites and publications including big names such as The Times, Telegraph and Daily Mail, popular and specialist magazines, and even TV shows and radio stations looking for interviews on site, or over the phone.
We feed these into a spreadsheet
They’re looking for quotes, contributions and interviews and this is a chance for you to get some valuable PR for your business.
Add your name to our database and we’ll send you relevant enquiries, give you help with the content and handle the job from beginning to end.

Here are the answers to some questions you might be asking?
What is the benefit to my business?
There are two major benefits from this type of publicity:
- Brand awareness from having your business mentioned in a high DA (domain authority) publication – remember, these publications get thousands of age views, and a mention, or even a link is good for your business.
- Inbound links – Google uses inbound links to judge the credibility of websites, and if you’ve got the Daily Mail (or any national publication) linking to your website, that will have a benefit on your search engine ranking.
What is required of me?
Many journalists only require small contributions to add to their article. They may get several from different sources. That doesn’t weaken the benefit you get. Usually, it’s around 150-word quote on a specific matter relating to your industry, or it could be something longer, if you are giving your expert opinion on a specialist subject.
All you have to do is answer the question, and we’ll handle the contact, edit your quote if you want us to, provide pictures if necessary, and liaise with the journalists.
Will they misquote me?
No, this is PR, not the gutter press. They may shorten your quote or correct grammar, but they won’t alter the meaning of your quote. It’s likely that the article isn’t about you, but contributions from you around a central topic. Some will offer you the chance to see the article before it goes to print, but you shouldn’t expect this unless they offer it as a condition on a sensitive subject.
How much does it cost?
It’s currently free to join our database as we build it up, and we charge for each successful placement in the media between £50 and £200 depending on the amount of work we do with you to get your piece published. Sometimes it requires a photo, other times not. We’ll guide you, and there’s no obligation to go through with it if we give you an opportunity.
My business is just me!
Sometimes, that’s exactly what they want. Publications and journalists like a variety of responses from all levels, not just the C-suite. The size of business has no bearing on whether they will use your quote unless of course they ask for a larger business, which they rarely do. We’re a small business and we get placements easily.